Kraft Paper Muse (KPM) is an independently published magazine centered on intentionally living a more cohesive, digitally-analog creative life while maintaining wellness and balance.
We believe in diversity, the power of words, and the importance of play. Drawing inspiration from the global collective of creatives around us, we celebrate all mediums and seek to build a community of support and encouragement.
Issue 3 WRITTEN of the Muse is available to read online for free. If you would like to support us directly toward a swag-stuffed printed version via snail mail, come join us on Ko-fi at: You can also find us on all social media platforms as @KPMzine

A Note from the Publisher
When you first get the idea to publish a magazine, it can be a little bit scary. You formulate your thoughts, you tell a few friends, and you start to get the idea that, “Hey, this might work.” You’ve done it before, so you know it can be done. Next thing you know there are others who believe in it too and you get this rush of excitement, that you can do anything.
The reality of it is, you can.
I am an analog girl at heart – always doodling, drawing and making notes about something. Over the last few years, though, it has been technology that has opened the most doors, oddly enough, for my analog work. October of 2012 saw me graduating with my MFA in Creative Writing, a degree I could never have gotten if it weren’t available online, and I realized that I was leading a double life: One analog, one digital. I am a major tech head, but will never give up my pens, pencils, and paper. And I’m not alone.
Kraft Paper Muse is a work in progress, a jumping off point. My personal themes are COMMUNITY and EVERYDAY MAGIC, and that is exactly what I plan to create. It is my hope that the Muse will be in the thick of it, and you along with it, because that is what it’s all about really: Inspiration.
I look forward to sharing the beauty of living a digitally-analog life with you throughout the year through the pages of the Muse. Thank you for your interest and for coming along for the ride.
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Ana Maria Selvaggio, Renmeleon
Author, Editor, Illustrator & Publisher
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Ana Maria Selvaggio, Renmeleon
Author, Editor, Illustrator & Publisher
PS – Supporting Kraft Paper Muse allows me to provide more opportunities for other creatives by allowing me to pay and mentor other creatives as well as expand our print issue options. By joining us on Patreon, you’ll be behind-the-scenes, have access to bonus content, and help shape new issues. I look forward to welcoming you to our Kraft Paper Muse community!